Your studies will focus on the basics of conventional water treatment. Including methods of controlling corrosion and tastes and odours.WTER-1270 You will become familiar with the processes used to control corrosion, taste, and odour. These are critical processes for removal of pathogens and part of the multi-step barrier to protect our customers and ensure that their water is safe.WTER-1268ġ.5 CEU Corrosion Taste Odour (WTER-1270) This will include their purpose, chemistry, optimization, and factors that influence their effectiveness. You will become familiar with the processes of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration.

This workshop is particularly useful for those who have had limited training and experience and for those who wihs to refresh their knowledge of the complexities of surface water treatment and plant operation. This two-day workshop is designed to acquaint municipal and community operators with the basic principals of treating surface water from dugouts, reservoirs and rivers for human consumption. Trainees will participate in a lab session and perform the “Chemical Oxidant Test” to gauge the effectiveness of iron oxidation with chlorine and potassium permanganate. This workshop is particularly useful for those who have had knowledge of the complexities of groundwater treatment and plant operation. This 2-day workshop is designed to acquaint municipal and community operators with the basic principles of treating groundwater for human consumption. Registration closes two weeks prior to course start date. The course will include a review of the basic components of a water distribution system with an introduction to unidirectional flushing. This one-day workshop is a must for operators of water and wastewater facilities who are directly involved in water distribution system maintenance.